"Come and See." John 1:46
Bring some of your favorite brown bread, scones, or soda bread to share.
A Eucharistic Coincidence at St Philip’s Monday Night Adoration
On Monday April 22 after 6:00 PM evening Adoration with our young adults as benediction came to an end, I turned the monstrance sideways and removed the lunette containing Eucharist and returned it to the tabernacle. I left the glass door of the monstrance open when I removed the Eucharist, as seen in the photo. But I only saw clear glass. When I returned to the foot of the steps of the altar to conclude the final prayers of benediction, I looked up and could see the image of Our Lady of Grace was reflected in the glass door of the monstrance. The stained glass window of Our Lady of Grace is on the north side of the church 40 feet away from the altar. The candle burning next to the reflection of Our Lady is one of two on the back altar next to the tabernacle lit during Mass and Adoration. The monstrance is an image of the Sacred Heart of Jesus with the Stations of the Cross in a circle around the center for the lunette with the Eucharist.
I did not notice the image when I opened the glass door nor did I preplan something like this. I had never noticed anything like this before. The angle of the monstrance and the glass window protecting the lunette and the stained glass window as well as the height of the altar and the amount of evening sunlight all had to be perfectly alined for this to happen by coincidence or a sign of Our Lady’s love.
Fr James Liebner, SVD
St Philip’s Church
Please note that missing Sunday/Saturday Vigil Mass is a mortal sin; failing to bring those under one's care is as well. Christian life is communal, and we live out this mystical communion through sacramental Communion at Mass. We hope to see you here!
Saturday Evening
5:00 PM Vigil Mass
8:00 AM Mass
10:30 AM Mass - fellowship and hospitality afterwards
Monday to Saturday
8:00 AM Mass
Holy Days of Obligation
8:00 AM Mass
School Mass
TBD Call office for time.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
Mondays 6 PM - 7 PM
Rosary at 6:30 PM
(here and nearby)
At St Philip's:
Saturdays 4:00 - 4:45 PM
Mondays 6:00 - 7:00 PM
At St. Paul's on Church Street:
Saturdays 3:40 - 4:15 PM
At St James on Guerrero Street:
Monday to Friday 9:30 - 10 AM
725 Diamond Street
San Francisco, California
Office Hours
Monday through Friday
9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Ash Wednesday March 5th
8:00 AM Mass
7:00 PM Mass
All Welcome