December 6, 2023

December 7, 2023

Mt 15:29-37

People with illness and disabilities are brought to Jesus who heals all of them. Those who witness this are amazed. Jesus, conscious of their need to eat performs another miracle by multiplying a meager amount of food to feed them all.

Blessed, broken and shared — with the crowd on the mountain then and with us gathered today. St. Nicholas, pray for us.

This content comes to you from Our Sunday Visitor courtesy of your parish or diocese.

December 7, 2023
December 7, 2023
Barb began the visits a few years ago, when her children were young and she wanted them to understand that Advent and Christmas are about more than receiving gifts. She contacted her parish and asked if there was someone who might need a little extra attention and care during this season. As a result, her family cooked special meals, brought homemade gifts and, most importantly, spent time with Edward, a homebound man who savored their time together. What started as a December activity turned into a year-round relationship, and Barb’s family has remained close to Edward. He relishes the time they spend together, telling Barb’s children stories of his younger years, and listening to the youngsters’ tales of school friends, activities and adventures. On one visit, a ritual was born. After their initial greeting and catching up, Edward, Barb and her children each share something for which they are thankful: simple things that help them know God’s love and that have touched them since the last time they were together. Barb’s children have begun preparing their “thank-yous” in advance, anxious to share with Edward the most special parts of their lives. For his part, Edward says being mindful of things for which he is grateful helps him focus on his blessings. He no longer lingers so much in the frustration and loneliness of life. Last month, as they visited and shared their special moments of gratitude, Edward shared something that touches Barb still. He said: “When you come to visit me, you carry with you so much more than food or a gift. You carry love, and for that, I am very grateful!” This article comes to you from Grace In Action ( Our Sunday Visitor ) courtesy of your parish or diocese.
December 7, 2023
[Jesus] asks us to be missionary disciples, men and women who radiate the truth, beauty, and life-changing power of the Gospel. Men and women who are channels of God’s grace, who enable his mercy, kindness, and truth to become the building blocks of a house that stands firm.” — Pope Francis Reflection : What are your most important relationships? Why are these people so significant to you? How does the kindness and love you experience in these relationships motivate you to show mercy to others? If you are struggling in these relationships, how might the beauty of the Gospel give you the courage to reach out in love? This content comes to you from Our Sunday Visitor courtesy of your parish or diocese.
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