Click here to learn more about St Philip's music program, and how to get involved!
Readers, once trained and deputized, proclaim the scriptures at Mass, often lead the Prayers of the Faithful, and read announcements to the people.
Parishioners entrusted to take up the collection at Sunday Masses.
Boys and girls in 5th grade and above, who have received the Sacrament of First Holy Communion, may assist the priest at the liturgy.
Volunteers who coordinate social activities for other parishioners and take turns hosting hospitality after the 10:30am Sunday mass.
Bellringers announce the noon hour Monday through Friday, announce the Saturday Vigil and Sunday Masses, and toll the bell for funerals.
Parish volunteers who count the funds collected at Mass each week.
Parish volunteers who warmly welcome parishioners and visitors as they enter the Church for Mass.
Volunteers who care for and beautify the grounds, and select appropriate flowers to decorate the church according to the liturgical season.
The Parish Council is involved in most activities and programs affecting the liturgical and spiritual life of St. Philip’s.
Parishioners, once trained and deputized, may serve the Body of Christ at Mass and bring Communion to the Homebound.
Adult parishioners who assist at Mass or Funeral masses to enhance the worship of our faith community.
Advises the Pastor on financial matters of the parish. Responsible for reviewing all income and expenses, and approving annual budgets.